A Diary of a Wiccan Teacher

March 09

Dear Diary,

I’m having problems with teaching divination Great Goddess. I may need to rethink my teaching strategy.

Note to self:

· When teaching students how to divine using candle wax, make sure I keep my skin out of the way of hot wax. Oh hang on, the students could try and decipher the red burn marks on my arm....

· When teaching students how to divine using the crystal ball, make sure I don’t drop it on my toe. (Must get more band aids.)

· When teaching students how to divine using the pendulum, make sure the kitten is not in the same room as the kitten seems to think that all dangling objects are play things. His intervention does not help the outcome but he appears not to care...

· When teaching students how to divine using the tarot cards, make sure I shut the window from the breeze and turn the overhead fan off as tarot cards blowing all over the room is not conducive to reading the spread. Where the heck is the 8 of Wands now?!

Note to self:

Must buy another deck of Tarot cards, burn cream, band aids and health insurance.




Oak and Mistletoe


Oak and Mistletoe News

Hi all,
just wanted to let the community know that Oak and Mistletoe will be
commencing its 2009 Outer Court program in March here in Adelaide.

The program teaches Inclusive Wicca (eclectic in nature), takes eight
months and students will meet once a month for lessons. They're also
invited to the group's Sabbats as well. The program is free although a
gold coin donation each month is helpful.

If anyone is interested, please feel free to email me off list for more
information or visit www.oakandmistletoe.com.au or www.cciwi.org for
more info.

Many smiles and blessings,